SIRAT accompanies you during your digital transformation. Our main objective is to increase your results thanks to our solutions, which are in total adequacy with your needs and your orientations while ensuring the security of your data and your applications. We offer support at every stage of your project, through our offers ranging from the design of the solution to the implementation of the system, through training.
This solution makes it possible to sign documents electronically or to verify an electronic signature in just a few minutes. It has a simple user interface and complies with the requirements and standards of ETSI and the Law on Trade and Electronic Commerce in Tunisia.
Shadoc is an online solution, intended for companies and individuals allowing to sign documents one or more electronically, to store them, to share them easily, to secure operations by block-chain, and to protect personal data. using multi-screen devices.
eFawateer is a secure electronic invoice platform available to Tunisian companies allowing them to dematerialize their commercial invoices and sign it electronically.
Doc & You launches in 2019 the first e-Health Platform in Africa 'ResoDoc Morocco'
The DigiGo service is an electronic signature service in accordance with the law in force. The National Electronic Certification Authority Tuntrsut is the root certification authority in Tunisia, is the DigiGo service provider. We have signed an agreement (Delegated Registration Authorities) with ANCE aims to promote the development of digital trust services on a national scale and to create an ecosystem favorable to the emergence of new players in the field of electronic certification.
Digigo: read more
To obtain a Digigo signing and authentication certificate, you can click on Lien
Setting up of the Signature server and obtaining Shadoc certificate.
Integration of the electronic signature in the different solutions of the bank.
Implementation of the electronic signature in the BHNet e-Banking solution.
Replacement of the current signature solution with token with Aplette java by a full Web solution compatible with all browsers.
Implementation of the signature with Digigo.
IT application for the management and monitoring of the support and recovery fund: this is an IT application for the management and monitoring of the Support and Recovery Fund and the determination of certain statistical monitoring indicators as well as the editing of states.
It is a solution that allows efficient and secure signing of statistical documents and judgments. This service allows a member of the Ministry of Justice to digitally sign these electronic documents without having to obtain a physical digital signature certificate (cryptographic USB key).